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Certain occupations, such as accounting and nursing, 国家和/或政府实体是否为职业或专业制定了实践标准. 这些标准为从事这些职业提供了法律许可, through Professional Licensure, only to individuals who meet those standards. 这些专业执照的标准要求可能因州而异.  

Professional Licensure Disclosures at AACC

最全菠菜网院的一些学习项目是为了满足马里兰州专业执照或认证的要求而设计的. 如果你打算参加一个项目,可以导致专业执照, 并且你打算在马里兰州以外的州申请执照或证书, 建议您联系该州的许可委员会,以确定学习计划和必修课程是否符合该州的许可或认证要求. If you need help obtaining contact information, call the academic school responsible for that program.

Financial Accounting, Certificate


CPA Exam Requirements

Those initially applying to sit for the CPA exam in Maryland must qualify by (1) holding a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from an accredited college or university; (2) completing 150 credit hours; and (3) completing a minimum of 51 credit hours in accounting and related business subjects, including certain required courses.

我们无法确认AACC的财务会计证书是否符合其他州的许可要求. Therefore, 建议在其他州寻求执照的学生联系他们所在州的适当执照委员会. 如果您需要帮助确定您所在州的许可委员会,请联系AACC的业务部门.

Surrounding States' Accounting Boards

Addiction Counseling, A.A.S. and Certificate

这些课程为学生从事成瘾咨询的职业做准备,并提高那些已经在该领域工作的人的知识和技能. Skills include individual, family and group counseling techniques, as well as assessment, treatment planning, prevention and other topics related to addiction. Coursework includes clinical fieldwork. 这些课程提供必要的学术课程,以获得马里兰州专业咨询师委员会颁发的酒精和药物认证监督咨询师(CSC-AD)认证. 学生应联系马里兰州专业顾问委员会,了解所有执照和认证要求,电话:410-764-4732或 Maryland Department of Health for requirements.

AACC无法确认这些项目或课程是否符合马里兰州以外州的专业执照要求. If you plan to apply for licensure in a state other than Maryland, 联系该州的执照委员会,以确定AACC课程或项目是否符合该州的执照要求. If you need help finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, call the School of Health Sciences at 410-777-7310.

Physician Assistant Studies, Professional Certification

准备初级保健医师助理(PA)学生在执业医师的监督下提供高质量的医疗服务. Graduates are employed in doctors’ offices, hospitals, clinics, HMOs, nursing homes, the armed forces and other federal government agencies. 毕业生有资格参加由全国医师助理认证委员会(NCCPA)举办的全国初级保健医师助理认证考试。.


医师助理教育认证审查委员会. (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the 马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校/最全菠菜网院合作医师助理项目 sponsored by the University of Maryland Baltimore. 持续认证是指当前认证的项目符合ARC-PA标准时授予的认证状态.

认证一直有效,直到项目关闭或退出认证过程,或者直到认证因未能遵守标准而被撤销. ARC-PA对该项目进行下一次验证审查的大约日期将是2029年9月. 审查日期取决于是否继续遵守认证标准和ARC-PA政策.

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website.

For additional requirements, see the college catalog.

AACC无法确认课程或项目是否符合马里兰州以外州的专业执照要求. If you plan to apply for licensure in a state other than Maryland, 联系该州的许可委员会,以确定AACC课程或UMB/AACC合作PA计划是否符合该州的许可要求. If you need assistance finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, contact the PA program office at 410-777-1888.

Nursing, A.S.

学生谁希望完成正规教育与科学副学士学位. 护理(RN)课程的毕业生有资格参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)。. The nursing program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Inc. (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326 (404-975-5000) and approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing.

Nursing Boards by State

AACC无法确认这些课程或项目是否符合马里兰州以外州的专业执照要求. If you plan to apply for licensure in a state other than Maryland, 联系该州的执照委员会,以确定AACC课程或项目是否符合该州的执照要求. If you need help finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, contact the School of Health Sciences at 410-777-7310.

Practical Nursing, Certificate

对于希望通过证书完成正规教育的学生. 实践护理(PN)课程的毕业生有资格参加全国委员会实践护士执照考试(NCLEX-PN)。. 实践护理课程由马里兰州护理委员会批准.

Nursing Boards by State

AACC无法确认这些课程或项目是否符合马里兰州以外州的专业执照要求. If you plan to apply for licensure in a state other than Maryland, 联系该州的执照委员会,以确定AACC课程或项目是否符合该州的执照要求. If you need help finding contact information for your state, or if you need information regarding professional licensure, contact the School of Health Sciences at 410-777-7310.

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